Your goal is to lose fat and tone up. you've read much of my other articles and know that I would recommend a mix of 5 tools to create and sculpt the body of your dreams by kyle leon.
5 tools are nutrition, hydration, cardio, strength training and rest. In today's article is all about creating a killer routine that delivers amazing results. upon my many years of experience in the fitness industry I have come across a few hours myths. One of the myths really gets me hot hot crazy. Have you ever heard, "lift lighter weights for more repetitions if you want to tone up"?
You probably have if you are a woman. I feel my blood starting to boil! truth about strength training routine is that it can only be effective if it is created for you and your goals. Lifting light weights for 15 or more repetitions are not going to reduce body fat or help you tone. This will help you work on endurance. If endurance is your goal, then by all means lift lighter for a rep time.
On the flip side, and the most popular part, from losing fat. your fat loss strength training routine should include heavier weight for low-to-medium-range again. Below is a list of things to check that your strength training routine should include: - An exercise for each major muscle - between 3-4 sets per exercise - 8-10 reps per set - A proper weight for each exercise - 1-2 minutes rest between sets here all the major muscle groups in the proposed order: back, chest, quads, shoulders, hamstrings and glutes, biceps, triceps, abs and legs. You can choose from a full body routine done 2-3 times per week or less split your body and abs from your upper body.
An example would be: lower body and abs on Monday and Friday and upper body on Tuesdays and Saturdays. regardless of doing a full body routine or a split routine you choose an exercise for each of the muscles and do it 3-4 times per workout. each set include 8-10 repetitions. You should rest for at least one minute between each set. 's way for you to determine what weight you should lift is to choose a weight you can safely lift 8 times with perfect form. by the last repetition in each set, you must be tired.
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