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Friday, 4 October 2013

It is beneficial to drink green tea during meals

It is beneficial to drink green tea during meals, making your body will store fat by kyle leon. Safe drinking should be about four to five cups of green tea a day (according to a study University Cleveland helps make you such amount to the prevention of rheumatism, or to alleviate its symptoms if you already suffer from rheumatism).

Of too much green tea is insomnia can backfire, because this tea also contains caffeine, so do not exceed the recommended dose. There is tea as tea - If you have just decided to jump into the nearest store and buy yourself some green tea, brakes. Put in this case prefer quality and obtain a really good green tea that you get in the bar or health food stores.

For weight loss is, of course, the perfect drink green tea without sugar and other sweeteners. There are also extracts, or the concentration of all the valuable ingredients of green tea in pill form, which can be purchased as a pharmacy.

Although not supply the body fluids than in conventional drinking tea, the effect is also very good. Finally, remember that although green tea is a good ally in weight loss, cannot rely only on his drinking. It is necessary to eat properly and also move. Unfortunately, the weight loss will probably always be that miracles cannot act and that work is not pie.

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