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Thursday, 10 October 2013

Lady Doctor Gets Death Threats for Revealing TOP SECRET Fat Loss Secret to General Public!

A new breakthrough secret is all you now need in order to forever shed countless pounds, stay healthy, and add many years to your life! A lady doctor from Arizona has blown the lid off the best-kept secret in weight loss ever discovered - and this has the whole diet food and drug industries turned upside down and in nothing less than a torrential uproar.

His name is Dr Suzanne Gudakunst, and she's marching to the beat of different drum. And no, nothing about her "secret" is difficult - nor does it require that you completely do something out of the ordinary or anything unnatural. Instead, the Arizonian boasts proudly "... this is something that I caught onto just before 2002 when there was so much research and exploration going around concerning the human colon and digestive system working in harmony with nutritional absorption, and I started doing independent studies just to test things at first ... but which I later expanded on after seeing some fantastic results. "

This same woman medical practitioner went on to accurately determine a definitive correlation between harmful plague and parasitic infestations of the human bowel tract, and people suffering chronic obesity - and who despite intense diet and exercise appeared to lose any weight whatsoever. within the course of six years, the Arizona doctor developed a number of natural treatments for removing these same harmful, even life-threatening plaques and rapidly reproducing digestive parasites - and when applied to even worse-case patients suffering extreme obesity (98% of which were in immediate danger of death) she saw a 100% effectiveness and success rate.

She then borrowed from her research on the severely obese, and applied the same strategies on milder cases overweight people - only to find the same effectiveness and quality results as described above (although the individual weight loss per subject was not nearly as much as those obese patients 100 pounds 200 lbs or more overweight). so powerful is his secret that he's able to reverse diabetes, rid illness altogether in people suffering from cancer (linked directly to poor diet and overweight factors), as well as an elimination of an entire spectrum of serious and otherwise life-threatening diseases. nearly 100% of all her case subjects were told in the alternative by " conventional doctors "that they either had just months or years to live, or they would never live a life anything resembling remotely a" normal "existence - yet after applying Dr Suzanne's treatments saw a complete contradiction to others doctors' prognoses.

Again, nothing about her secret is unnatural or requires someone to do any major action or modification in their lives. indeed, her entire treatment is based completely on built- to-nature 'protection agents' scattered throughout the world in the form of select herbs, extracts, and organic constituents, and which is found in various plants - but when combined in specific combinations and carefully chosen create value for a solution to what is perhaps the world's worst ever plague: obesity (and the illnesses and diseases resulting from it - or at least severely aggravated or exacerbated by it). now all the other people get healed, suffering from just a few extra pounds and inches, the extra fat and overweight, this brave, bold lady doctor is releasing to the general public its secret for forever destroying the tight unrelenting closed-fist of obesity's strong now more than more than 40% of Americans labeled obese, and others worldwide. but he is not promising any of us for how long. Some experts and sociologists suggest that in the big scheme of things, the world will never tolerate a discovery of magnitude, any more than it would be true to expect a car that runs on water (even if very real) to ever become commercially available to the general public for everyday use

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