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Tuesday, 1 October 2013

5 fat loss myths that you should not ignore!

I recently gave a presentation to about 70 women on the subject of fat loss and the common methods we use to attempt to rid our excess body fat by kyle leon.

During my research for this talk, I unearthed a huge amount of material that supports my belief that the majority of the world population have been misled in their quest for a small, but healthy body, that so many of us Crave! feel like the whole idea of fat loss is only possible for the genetically gifted ... you are looking for the quick fix to trim away body fat overnight? or are you still waiting for our "trusted" pharmaceutical companies to create the ultimate weight loss pill that will solve the obesity problem in the world ... sharing some of the following facts and myths you did not make it easy for you to stomach, I suspect that you are shocked, dismayed or perhaps you feel that none of what I tell you is true. indeed I am pretty sure you dispute much of what I report, so ask you to check my sources, read for yourself the studies that I cite. 'll be as shocked as my audience when you really do discover the truth about fat loss!

Myth 1 - skipping meals and snacks are ok if I want to lose fat!

Do you skip breakfast, the odd lunch, or maybe you do not eat at all for a whole day, because you "do not feel hungry"? do! there is nothing worse for your body than irregular feedings. eating 6 meals a day compared to just 2 meals a day with the same caloric value for the whole day, will result in more fat loss! see No.1 study to discover why eating every few time is essential for fat loss!

Myth 2 - a calorie is a calorie unfortunately not. eating a diet of refined carbs and low fat will actually make you fatter, than a diet of low carb, high fat the same amount of hot! if you think about it we have been told by U.S. FDA to reduce the amount of fat in our diet and replace it with carbs like bread and pasta. The food pyramid clearly showed it! sadly it is all refined carbs adding to our waist line and not the fats. study no.2, proves that a diet high in fat actually resulted in more fat loss!

Myth 3 - You should only train in the "fat burning zone" to lose fat! perhaps the biggest myth in the world of health and fitness today, and one that drew the most gasps and head shaking in my audience! fat burning zone exists but it is not an effective workout strategy for overall fat loss. How can that be? 's be honest you do not need to read the study to prove it, see for yourself at the gym. how many people you see going to the gym week after week for months on end, making their fat-burning zone workouts, but never actually changes shape? 's nail in the coffin of your fat burning zone workouts is crystal clear no.3 study comparing a 'diet only' group A 'diet and exercise' group.

The exercise consists of a 45 minute "fat burning zone" routine, 5 days a week for 12 weeks. difficult to understand them from the study states: These results indicate that moderate aerobic exercise training a 12-week period has no discernible effect on body composition. means fat burning zone workouts do nothing for losing body fat! wow!

Myth 4 - calorie counters on machines are useful for fat loss ... we've all done it, waiting for the calorie counter on the treadmill or cross trainer to tick 400 or 500 calories burned during your workout. We can then feel divine we all tuck in our post-workout coffee and chocolate muffin, safe in the knowledge that we "got" it.

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